File Specific ToonTalk Customizations


Note that as of version 3.55 or Beta 42 this feature is turned off by default since most of these uses are handled by subsequent enhancements. You can enable this feature in 3.55 or Beta 42 or later by setting UseLocalIniFilesWhenLoading in toontalk.ini.

All of the customization options available in toontalk.ini can also be specified on a per-file basis. When you double click on a city file (CTY), a demo file (DMO), a puzzle file (PZL), or a ToonTalk object file (TT) then ToonTalk looks for a file with the same name except with an INI extension. This local INI file can specify things like the SecondaryFileSearchPath to indicate where on the Internet needed pictures or sounds can be found. Or a demo file can indicate the DemoToonTalk32 entry to specify which ToonTalk executable is compatible with this demo. Note that a local INI file can be either a local file or URL.  For example, is a city that uses to indicate to ToonTalk where to find the picture on the floor.

If you double-click on a TT or drag or paste the file into ToonTalk, then if there is an associated INI file it is loaded and the INI file will be able to control many of the options including all the Directory ones and DefaultUser. But some options like the SpokenLanguage can only be set when ToonTalk is starting. So some options set in a local INI file will be ignored unless the corresponding TT file is clicked on when no ToonTalk is running so that the INI file is processed while ToonTalk is initializing.

If a CTY file has an associated INI file then if you save your city, you'll get a copy of the INI file. For example, if you double click on give your name and then save, then your saved city will continue to use a local copy of the file.

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