ToonTalk Bestellformular

Alle roten (mit *) Felder üßen ausgefüllt werden. Bitte benutzen Sie dieses Formular nicht, falls ToonTalk nach Europa, Afrika, Australien, Neuseeland, Hong Kong, Singapur, Indien oder Malaysien verschickt werden soll. Besuchen Sie oder für weitere Details.
First Name *....................
Last Name *......................
Phone Number ...............
Company or School .....
Email Address ...............
Fax Number ....................
Ship to Address *........
Additional Address ....
City *.....................................
State or Province *......
Zip or Postal Code *....
Country *............................

The information provided above will only be used in connection with shipping ToonTalk or informing you (via email or postal mail) of ToonTalk product news.

Please check this box if this address is a residence.

Check this box if paying by credit card and the credit card statement goes to this address.

Please choose a payment method below. Please print out this form and fax it to 1-510-559-4190. Or mail it to Software Shippers, 805 Camelia St, Berkeley, CA 94710, USA. If you wish to use a Purchase Order, then you must fax us your order on stationary from your company or organization.

Credit Card Number .........................................
Credit Card Expiration (month/year) ....
Name on Credit Card (if different) .......

Shipping and handling is $5 for shipping First Class by the US Postal Service within the US. You may choose other shipping options below and will be charged the difference in shipping costs. Shipments will be made on the same day for orders received by 1PM Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday.

The ToonTalk CD-ROM and manual cost $49.95. Additional copies are $29.95. Orders for 10 or more copies cost $24.95 a copy. The CD-ROM and manual are not sold separately in quantities less than 10. If shipping to an address in California, then California sales tax will be added.

Quantity Ordered .... 

If you wish for us to handle your order in any special way, then please use the space below. For example, if you are sending ToonTalk as a gift, please say so below and provide a different billing address below. If you wish, we will write by hand a brief note to be included with the product.

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