History of ToonTalk Enhancements and Bug Fixes - 2002

Here is the list of bugs and enhancements in 2002.   Similar lists for 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, and 2005 are available as well.


  1. Improved the way pads (number, text, sound, and force) are displayed when in 8-bit color mode.
  2. Made several improvements to how number pads are displayed.


  1. Improved the way erased number pads are displayed.
  2. Improved the way letters are displayed on the buttons of tools (Dusty, Pumpy, and the Magic Wand).
  3. Changed the way empty text pads (not erased but those whose letters have been rubbed out) so they are clearly distinguishable from erased text pads.
  4. Improved the way force feedback effect pads are displayed.


  1. Fixed a serious problem that occurred in the Japanese version when two text pads were combined or when a pad was dropped on an erased text pad.


  1. Calculating how best to display text pads is now done only when necessary. Speeds up display of lots of text.


  1. Improved the way labels on notebooks are displayed.
  2. Improved the way text and number pads look while being flipped over.
  3. Text pads that are too small to see the text on it now display much faster.


  1. Improved the algorithm for deciding when to break text up into full sentences in talk balloons and subtitles.
  2. Improved the algorithm for keeping the subtitles and spoken text in synch if in different languages.


  1. Made improvements to how number pads are displayed.


  1. Improved the appearance of the IME text pad used to give feedback when entering text such as Japanese.


  1. Improved the way erased zero-hole boxes are displayed when inside of other boxes.


  1. Improved the appearance of pictures of text (created using the remote control for the looks or by flipping a text pad over). Also improved pictures of numbers.


  1. Fixed a problem undoing (via F11) the dropping of a box on an erased number pad.
  2. ToonTalk no longer offers to show you the log file if the only problems encountered occurred while quitting ToonTalk.
  3. Fixed a recently introduced problem (when text pad appearance was improved last month) with the remote looks of a text pad causing the font size to be wrong.
  4. Improved the display of the remote control for the looks of something that isn't rectangular after is has been flipped over.


  1. Sometimes when you dropped a large box on a number one of the resulting parts was off screen. No longer.


  1. The size of the text within Marty's talk balloon is now calculated taking into account the size of the balloon.


  1. Improved the appearance and speed of boxes with a large number of holes.
  2. Improved the way selection works when a robot in training is using a magic wand.


  1. Improved the way selection works when holding Dusty or Pumpy. Especially if they were called for by pressing a function key twice.
  2. Improved the way the training is remembered when a robot takes something off the back of a remote control for the looks of something.


  1. Improved the handling of number pads being dropped on a stack of number pads (e.g. in Tooly).


  1. Fixed a problem saving a city or object that contained erased numbers with the same original value.


  1. Fixed a bug displaying very large boxes.
  2. Improved generally the display of very large things (e.g. bigger than a house).
  3. Fixed the last hint that Marty gives for puzzle 13. (He referred to a box with 3 zeros instead of 6 zeros.)


  1. The handling of objects that don't fit on the floor of the house has changed. They are no longer automatically shrunk to fit inside the house. If you stand up you may see large objects stick out the door or through walls.
  2. Fixed a bug in the code that ensures that an object will stay on the screen if Pumpy shrinks it.
  3. Pumpy now works correctly on very large objects.
  4. Improved the way pads are displayed if they are at twice the width of the screen and both ends are off screen.


  1. Improved the handling of large objects on the ground. (They sometimes ended up moved or their changed in drastic ways.)


  1. Fixed a bug introduced when Bammer got the ability to undo his work when you press F11. Could cause occasional crashes.
  2. Fixed a problem displaying the background color of a pad that is being pointed to when running in 8-bit color mode.
  3. Fixed a big where you could pickup or use a tool on a very large objects (e.g. several blocks long).
  4. Text and number pads no longer get shorter when viewed from the helicopter.


  1. Improved the way Marty speaks numbers, especially very long ones.
  2. The total length of text pads can now exceed 64K (65536). Pads longer than 64K will be truncated to 64K when saved to the clipboard or in a city. This will be fixed in the next release.


  1. Removed an old option about the serial port since that only worked in the 16-bit version of ToonTalk that is frozen at version 1.04.


  1. Made the appearance of arithmetic operations (e.g. multiply by 5) a  different from numbers.


  1. Arithmetic errors (such as divide by zero) are now handled when Bammer smashes the numbers together rather than when dropped. The old scheme required some computations to be done twice and was hard to maintain with the new features for arithmetic.
  2. Fixed the good size (e.g. when Pumpy is set to 'G') of an erased text pad to not be wide enough for the text that it had before being erased.


  1. Improved the appearance of boxes when seen from the helicopter.
  2. Improved the calculation of the size of Marty's talk balloon and the text inside. Especially when running at resolution greater than 800x600.
  3. Fixed a problem training a robot when its box contained a remote control for the looks of a picture and the remote controls had been flipped to control the back of the picture.
  4. Improved the handling of very large objects that are on the ground (outside).
  5. Fixed the calculation of the "good size" (e.g. when Pumpy is set to 'G') for very long text or number pads.
  6. Fixed a rare problem with saving cities or complex objects when the toontalk.ini switch DumpCopiesCompactly is non-zero. The problem caused a variety of symptoms.
  7. Finished a major enhancement to the way arithmetic is done in ToonTalk. Click here for details.


  1. The rule for whether a number is exact now has an exception if the operation is "=". In this case the result is exact if the number with the "=" operation is exact.
  2. Fixed a situation where a remote control for the looks of a number no longer responded to keyboard events.


  1. Fixed a problem with the size of numbers when taken out of Tooly the Toolbox.


  1. Fixed various bugs with the new implementation of numbers.
  2. Inexact numbers that internally rely upon double floating point numbers now deal better with extreme values (so-called infinity when such numbers exceed 10^380).
  3. Fixed a recently introduced problem restoring cities that were saved with numbers on the floor.


  1. Inexact numbers that are converted to a large integer or exact rational are still inexact (and display with gray text by default).


  1. Fixed a problem where sometimes a large number moved a long distance when its value changed.
  2. You can now rubout an operation on zero to produce a "naked" operation. This operation can be given a new value by dropping it on a number or dropping a number on it.
  3. Improved the error handling when an erased number is dropped on a number.
  4. Fixed some problems with the display of very long numbers (over 10,000 digits).


  1. When a number's value change it used to always keep its center position the same. Now this is only if the number is completely visible on screen. Otherwise it doesn't move.


  1. If a number has more than 5,000 digits, ToonTalk can freeze for a few seconds or longer computing the decimal version of the number. The first time this happens you now get a dialog box offering to give you help.
  2. Added two new operations for computing the natural log and the log base 10 of a number.
  3. Improved the way very long numbers on the floor are displayed.
  4. Introduced the ability to change the base (or radix) of a number. If you have a text pad with an integer between 2 and 36 then typing '#' turns the integer into zero of the base it previous was. For example, typing "8#" produces "8#0" and then typing "100" produces 64 in base 8 or "8#100". When two numbers are combined in any way the base of the number underneath is used to display the result.
  5. Fixed a problem with the way notebooks were saved in demo log files.
  6. Restored the old way of displaying bit-wise operations like '&' (and) and '|' (or).
  7. Improved the way very long text pads are displayed. Some aesthetic problems remain if the font is variable width and the text is much wider than the screen.
  8. Restored the calculation of the size of the font used in various parts of ToonTalk to the way it worked prior to January 5, 2002.
  9. Improved the handling of very tiny text.


  1. Fixed a problem introduced in January saving and restoring joystick remote controls.
  2. If "BackgroundsDir" is not set in toontalk.ini but "BuiltinPictureDir" is set then ToonTalk acts as if BackgroundsDir was set to the same directory as BuiltinPictureDir.
  3. Made changes to where ToonTalk looks for various files so that the latest version of ToonTalk can be installed in the same directory as any old version and both will work fine.
  4. Improved the error handling when an erased number or an operation with no arguments is dropped on a text pad.


  1. Marty now correctly describes the random number remote control as producing numbers between 0 and 999 (not 0 and 1000).
  2. Also updated the way Marty talks about to change the visibility sensor.
  3. Fixed a problem where a sensor sometimes stopped displaying its up-to-date state when inside a box.
  4. Some sensors can now take on any value including rational or inexact values. These are the sensors for a picture's x and y position, x and y speed, and width and height.


  1. Improved the handling of explicit addition and subtraction. Previously you really implicitly added positive or negative numbers. Now you can construct an operation which is a subtraction or addition by creating an operation with no arguments (e.g. by rubbing out '*0') and then typing '+' or '-'. These can be combined as operations now.
  2. Marty now correctly describes operations with no arguments.
  3. Fixed a bug in the handling of rubout ('Backspace') of large integers and rational numbers.
  4. Fixed a problem saving large integers and rational numbers that have been erased.
  5. If you turn off a sensor (e.g. by typing '.' to it) and then change its value any copies of the sensor are changed as well.
  6. Improved the handling of an attempt to flip over a numeric remote control.
  7. Improved the handling of keyboard events to numeric remote controls.
  8. Improved the display of numeric remote controls when the picture they are connected to is missing (destroyed, in Dusty, or on the back of a picture).
  9. Spurious warnings are no longer placed in the log file when force feedback effects are encountered and no force feedback joystick or mouse is connected.
  10. ToonTalk handles much better very slow speeds for pictures.


  1. Added a command line option "-integer_positions 0" which causes position sensors of pictures to display many digits after the decimal point. Is annoying even if it shows reality better than truncated integers so is off by default.
  2. Numeric sensors always display in black text since they are never inexact. The reality they are measuring is inexact so the sensor is accurately displaying reality.
  3. Improved the way large integers and rational numbers are saved to be much faster and take less disk space.


  1. Fixed some bugs in the Java applet generator introduced by the handling of new kinds of numbers. (Note that Java applets are still generated to work with 64-bit integers but constants in the Java applet are still limited to 32-bit integers. Will be fixed.)
  2. Fixed bugs in force feedback effects introduced by the handling of new kinds of numbers.
  3. Fixed a bug in the calculation of non-integer powers.


  1. Fixed a recently introduced problem where numbers on the floor of a saved city were restored with different sizes.
  2. Fixed some recently introduced bugs when the speed remotes of a picture were changed to work with any kind of number.
  3. Released Beta 34.


  1. Improved the display of number pads when the font is just a few points.
  2. Fixed a problem calculating the size of text and number pads when running in at screen resolution that is does not divide evenly by 32000x24000. E.g. 1024x786.
  3. Fixed a problem displaying numbers after many digits were typed.


  1. Improved the handling of files in the temporary file cache that are local copies of remote URLs. Particularly important in finding local ini files associated with URLs.
  2. Fixed a problem pasting strings into ToonTalk that contain '.'. Introduced in the last month or two.
  3. Fixed a problem displaying text pads that under some circumstances didn't display some of the rightmost text. Introduced in the last month or two.
  4. If a picture or sound is brought into ToonTalk by copy and paste from Internet Explorer then the picture remembers the URL not the location of the copy of the URL in the temporary file cache.


  1. If the command line -city is used with a file name that contains spaces then ToonTalk wasn't able to find an associated local ini file.
  2. If the command line -city is used with a short file name then it is found in the Users directory but the associated local ini file is not.


  1. Sometimes numbers that were off screen and have grown longer so that they are partially on-screen were not displayed.
  2. If you quit after solving a puzzle that ended with a number in your hand then when you resumed the number was very tiny.


  1. Fixed a problem altering the color of things (e.g. to indicate selection) when running with 24-bit color.
  2. The component in a robot's thought bubble that most recently failed to match is now displayed in red.
  3. If a nest is in a robot's thought bubble box and it matches a corresponding nest then if there is a match failure later during the robot's match, he suspended rather than failed.


  1. If the text of a negative number was pasted into ToonTalk it became the operation of subtracting the absolute value of the number. Not only did it display differently than negative numbers but this broke puzzle number 6. Thanks to Rich Burridge for reporting this.
  2. Fixed some problems altering the color when running in 32-bit color mode.


  1. Released Beta 34b mainly due to the severity of the bug fixed on 3/26 that breaks puzzle #6.


  1. Fixed a problem where sometimes the pixels closest to the edge of the screen were wrong. Previously these pixels were covered by a gray frame.
  2. Fixed a problem caused by ToonTalk being installed to a directory whose path is more than about 120 characters long.
  3. Re-wrote the code to find special paths such as "My Documents" to work on all 32-bit versions of Windows.


  1. If the directory that ToonTalk uses to store user files does not exist, ToonTalk now creates it.
  2. User created demos and Java applets are now stored as subdirectories of the ToonTalk user directory. Previously these were subdirectories of the directory where ToonTalk is installed but limited users (e.g. non-administrators in Windows 2000 or non power users in Windows XP) cannot write.
  3. The default users directory is now the ToonTalk subdirectory of My Documents. This is also the expected location of the toontalk.ini file. If missing, the old location in the Windows directory is searched.


  1. Files written by ToonTalk now follow the Windows XP guidelines regarding the use of personal and shared folders.


  1. An expired beta or trial version of ToonTalk will still run demos if the demo files are double clicked. As before demos launched the usual way ran even if expired.


  1. Fixed some situations where ToonTalk had troubles describing the new rational numbers.
  2. Fixed a potential problem in how Marty jumps around to stay away from your hand.
  3. Fixed a problem saving a team of robots that is currently running on the floor.


  1. Updated the ClickMe.exe program that runs when the CD-ROM is inserted to follow the Windows XP guidelines about where user files are kept.


  1. Improved the scheme for giving selection feedback and scrolling to respond a frame earlier. On a typical system this is 20 to 50 milliseconds sooner.


  1. Improved the accuracy of selecting things from compartments of Tooly the Toolbox.


  1. Under some circumstances when on the floor close to a wall, the wall obscured part of Tooly.
  2. Fixed a problem where the top or bottom row of pixels wasn't refreshed correctly.
  3. Fixed a potential problem displaying a wall when sitting.
  4. Fixed a performance bug that depended upon round off due to different screen resolutions. (Some objects were unnecessarily scaled by 1/2 percent.)
  5. When help is launched from the Start ToonTalk program, it is now displayed maximized.
  6. Introduced a new toontalk.ini Switch called AbsoluteMouseMode. If set to 1 then mouse is treated in a new way that is particularly well-suited for tablet computers and touch screens. The default value is 0. Details here.
  7. Introduced a new toontalk.ini Switch called ShowMouseCursor. If set to 1 the mouse cursor will be visible. Particularly useful when trying AbsoluteMouseMode=1 with a mouse.
  8. Introduced a new toontalk.ini Switch called AllowMultipleToonTalks. Prior to this change if ToonTalk was started while another ToonTalk was running and different user names were used then both ToonTalks would be running on the computer. Since this frequently caused confusion to children, the default behavior is now that only one ToonTalk can run per computer. AllowMultipleToonTalks is 0 by default. If AllowMultipleToonTalks is set to 1 then a new ToonTalk is created even if one is running (and even if it has the same user name).


  1. Updated ClickMe.exe which is run when the CD-ROM is inserted to deal properly with the new location for the toontalk.ini file. If it is not in the My Documents\ToonTalk directory but is on the Windows directory then it is copied to where it should be.
  2. Made further changes to follow the Windows XP guidelines regarding the location of user files.


  1. Changed the Start ToonTalk program to use HTML dialogs when possible. (When not possible it reverts back to the old dialogs.) This enables easy customization and localization. And it looks nicer and is easier to use. Click here for more details.


  1. ClickMe.exe now also uses HTML dialogs when possible. In ToonTalk.ini in the Executables section is a new key called HTMLClickMe. If this is set to a path to an HTML file then this dialog will be displayed when the CD-ROM is inserted.


  1. Made major improvements to the new absolute mouse mode for tablets and touch screens.


  1. Improved the way arrow keys work if used while in absolute mouse mode. Among the changes is that while flying the helicopter the up and down arrow moves the helicopter up or down not north and south as it does when in relative mouse mode.


  1. Fixed a problem introduced earlier this year that occasionally caused the text in Marty's talk balloon to be tiny.
  2. Introduced the ability to drag things in absolute mouse mode. (E.g. when using a tablet to use the pen to move an object around continuously.)
  3. If while in absolute mouse mode you made the window nearly full screen, it would attempt to switch to full-screen. (Also true in relative mouse mode when the mouse has been released via control-F8.) It no longer does this.
  4. Introduced two new customizations to toontalk.ini. If the User section has a value for RunCharacter then this character is used rather than the space bar to turn things on. The value of StopCharacter is used to stop things instead of using period. Note that you can indicate unusual characters by typing their name within angle brackets. E.g. RunCharacter=<tab> while make the tab key start tools and robots on the back of pictures. Particularly useful for tablet PCs without keyboards but with some keys available.


  1. Fixed a problem that sometimes occurred when something is dropped on something else and then grabbed before Bammer smashes them together.


  1. Fixed a problem with the size of Marty and his talk balloon if a city was saved while on the ground and Marty was talking.
  2. Used to be that keystrokes caused you to sitting while walking indoors but not outside. Now you sit in either case.
  3. Improved the stability of an object's location as it goes through a built-in animation cycle.
  4. If walking with something your pocket and you pause and select 'Come Back Later' then a Java applet was produced. This now only happens if you pause while holding something on the floor.


  1. Fixed problems generating Java applets that arose in Beta 34 due to the change in how numbers work.
  2. Erased numerical sensors used to update their value even though it couldn't be seen. No longer.
  3. Improved the ability to give selection feedback by changing colors when running with more than 256 colors.
  4. Fixed various problem running with 16-bit color.
  5. Fixed some problems using the toontalk.ini Switch called DesiredFullScreenBitsPerPixel.


  1. Fixed a problem with the geometry of Marty's talk balloon when loading a city that have been saved while Marty was displaying a talk balloon.
  2. When running in full-screen mode and another program gets the focus (e.g. by typing alt-tab) then if in absolute mouse mode ToonTalk is switched to window mode. And then maximizing the window will restore true full-screen mode. This is not how it works when in relative mouse mode since in that mode ToonTalk requires exclusive control of the mouse.


  1. If after switching from full-screen to windowed while either in absolute mouse mode or relative mouse mode with the mouse released (control-F8) then if the window is moved or reshaped then the next time during the same session that ToonTalk is switched to windowed mode it will use the last position and dimensions for the window. Useful on tablet PCs for frequently switching from full-screen to windowed (e.g. to use a virtual keyboard).


  1. Fixed problems with absolute mouse mode with windows that are not the same dimensions internal screen resolution. E.g. those reshaped after launch.
  2. If a robot was trained to send an improper keystroke to a tool then it makes a plop sound. It now only makes the plop sound if the robot is being watched (i.e. running on the floor where you are). Fixed other situations where tools make sounds used off screen.


  1. If ToonTalk is running at 320x240 then it switches the old format (limited to 8-bit color). Useful for very old computers.


  1. Added HTML dialogs to the main ToonTalk program. Click here for details.


  1. Demos created by "-o" on the command line are now created in the Demos subdirectory of the user's directory under My Documents\ToonTalk\<user name>. However, demos run by "-i" on the command line find the demos in the ToonTalk installation's Demos subdirectory. To be shared with all they must be copied to the ToonTalk directory.
  2. By default the new HTML dialogs are maximized. The new toontalk.ini Switches called DialogWidth, DialogHeight, DialogLeft and DialogTop can be used to specify the size and location for dialogs from the main ToonTalk program.


  1. All "message box" style dialogs are now HTML as well.


  1. Made further improvements in ToonTalk's ability to switch from full-screen to window and back.


  1. Reduced the occurrence of DirectX errors if the video mode is changed while ToonTalk is minimized.


  1. Fixed a problem when a robot is trained to vacuum up the notebook of a flipped over picture. Thanks to Leonel for reporting this.
  2. Changing the option that controls whether running full-screen and if not the size of the window now happens immediately. Previously Marty warned that this wouldn't take effect until the next time you started ToonTalk.
  3. Fixed a problem where sometimes flipped pictures when saved, restored, and then flipped back had the wrong size.
  4. Fixed a problem where if two remote controls for the looks of the same picture were flipped over and one flipped back that the notebook of sensors for the picture went away.


  1. Control-F8 to release control of the mouse makes no sense in absolute mouse mode and is now ignored unless in relative mouse mode.
  2. In absolute mouse mode you can now sit in the house by clicking near the bottom of the window.


  1. Mouse force effects are now stopped when pausing or quitting ToonTalk. (Only noticeable when flying.)
  2. Fixed some problems putting up dialog boxes while exiting ToonTalk. (E.g. one that suggests you might want to change the screen resolution.)
  3. You can now get up from the floor in absolute mouse mode by clicking on the north wall.
  4. Fixed a problem using the Magic Wand in absolute mouse mode that required extra mouse clicks.


  1. Fixed a problem when "scrolling" (i.e., camera moves) on the floor in absolute mouse mode while holding something.
  2. Improved the appearance of what is on the wall of the house in puzzles  #15, #23, and #24.


  1. Made major speed improvements to the code that changes the color of things to indicate selection or power off. Still pretty slow when running in 16-bit color mode.


  1. The dialog to 'Set Options' is now in HTML as well as all the other dialogs.


  1. You can now drag something to the edge of the screen while sitting in absolute mouse mode and the camera will move (i.e., you'll scroll).
  2. Fixed a problem in "Kiosk mode" where ToonTalk tries to relaunch Start ToonTalk and has an error.


  1. Introduce a new toontalk.ini entry for the Directories section called BuiltinPictureDirIf8Bit. And a new entry for Extensions called MissingBuiltinPictureFileExtensionIf8Bit. These can be used to specify image files specially appropriate for running in 256 color mode.


  1. Added a missing sentence to the final hint that Marty gives for puzzle #9. Thanks to Jeff Smith for reporting this.


  1. Fixed a problem where there was a column or row of pixels around the subtitle bar that wasn't painted black.


  1. If a file named something.htm.tt or something.html.tt (where something can be any valid file name) is opened (e.g. double clicked) then it is launched as a dialog from Start ToonTalk. This is a nice way of having specialized pages for updating or customizing some features.
  2. Fixed a problem when providing Start ToonTalk a command line that ended with a ToonTalk extension ("tt", "pzl", "dmo" and so on).


  1. Fixed a problem where sometimes the HTML dialogs were not positioned correctly on the desktop.
  2. Fixed a problem where sometimes ToonTalk was not restored properly after an interruption.


  1. Fixed various new dialog bugs.
  2. Beta 35 released.


  1. On some systems after returning from the dialog showing that ToonTalk is paused ToonTalk is no longer tracking the mouse movements.


  1. Fixed some problems saving very large numbers and reloading them.
  2. Fixed problems adding things to a notebook that was created in an earlier version of ToonTalk.
  3. Fixed a problem introduced on 6/11 that sometimes caused ToonTalk to crash after using Dusty.


  1. Fixed a problem dealing with notebooks inside of notebooks that were created in an earlier version of ToonTalk.
  2. Fixed a recently introduced problem with control-F8 (which releases the mouse).


  1. Fixed a problem where sometimes parts of pictures or pictures visible in a notebook were running prematurely.
  2. ToonTalk now deals better with losing or obtaining the focus when ToonTalk is running in a window.


  1. Fixed a problem with large fractions that are displayed as exact decimals when the fraction format is significantly shorter.
  2. Fixed a problem with the size of the window when switching from full-screen to windowed mode.


  1. Fixed a problem displaying some fractions of very large integers.
  2. Fixed a recently introduced problem where in the puzzle game you can move your hand and arm too off screen or off the top.
  3. Fixed a problem with the implementation of the new toontalk.ini extension option MissingBuiltinPictureFileExtensionIf8Bit.


  1. Fixed a problem displaying HTML dialogs while ToonTalk is initializing (e.g. to report some missing files).
  2. Fixed a problem with the size of text pads if typed to immediately after picking the pad out of Tooly the Toolbox.


  1. Fixed a problem displaying text and number pads that are over 32K long (about 30 screens) on Windows 95/98/Me where text was displayed after the right edge.
  2. Fixed a problem displaying very wide text and number pads on Windows 95/98/Me where the background became transparent.
  3. Beta 35g released. (Don't worry about b through f.)


  1. Fixed a problem using the -puzzle command line option where ToonTalk would still ask if you wanted to run puzzles, demos, or free play.
  2. Fixed a problem when ToonTalk tried to display a message box with more than 1024 characters of text inside.
  3. If running ToonTalk with the mouse cursor visible sometimes it wasn't restored after pausing.
  4. Updated the code that copies files needed for running Java applets to fit into the new Windows XP guidelines.


  1. Fixed a problem with converting Japanese text pads to Java applets where about half the text was cut off.


  1. Box labels created with Japanese text can now display correctly when brought into a non-Japanese version of ToonTalk. (A proper font and a Unicode page code are also needed to see Japanese text when ToonTalk is not running in a Japanese version of Windows.)
  2. Some implementations of Java (e.g. Sun's 1.1.8) do not work correctly with Japanese text, so in Java applets ToonTalk sensors are computed in English (e.g. "yes" and "no") even if running in the Japanese version of ToonTalk.
  3. Fixed an occasional problem with the selection region of Dusty the Vacuum.
  4. Made some improvements in how ToonTalk internally handles window size changes. Includes some cases of minimizing and maximizing.


  1. Improved the reliability of descriptions of some kinds of new numbers. Used when Marty describes things and on the clipboard.
  2. If a picture was saved in a notebook while running, then it started running as soon as you started to take it out. It now waits until it is full size.
  3. If you copied a picture that was running using the Magic Wand, then the copy would sometimes start running too soon.
  4. Sometimes putting a picture on the clipboard while it was running and then pasting it made only parts of the picture run. (Turning the picture off and then on fixed the problem.)
  5. Fixed a problem introduced on 3/29 where if the bottom or right edge of a picture was exactly at the edge of the window internal errors happened (but typically were internally repaired).
  6. Fixed a problem where ToonTalk stopped reading the mouse coordinates.


  1. Fixed a problem where sometimes robots on the back of pictures kept running after being vacuumed up.
  2. Fixed a problem where robots sometimes started running when going to a notebook page with a picture with robots on the back.
  3. Fixed a DirectDraw problem that sometimes occurred when quitting ToonTalk.


  1. Fixed a problem where pictures on top of a picture stored in a notebook started moving when the notebook was opened to the page.
  2. Fixed a problem where interrupting a demo while on the floor holding something caused a Java applet to be generated.


  1. Improved the appearance of short box labels.
  2. Fixed the warning that Marty gives when dropping a flipped picture on a unflipped picture.
  3. Fixed a problem where stopped or erased numerical sensors forgot their current value when saved and restored.
  4. Fixed a problem where vacuuming up pictures moving on top of other pictures and then restoring them changed the shape of some pictures.
  5. Fixed a problem where sometimes pictures didn't display their rightmost column or bottommost row of pixels.


  1. Fixed a problem where cities with notebooks that had been saved in an older file format didn't save correctly.
  2. Fixed a problem that sometimes followed from vacuuming up a picture and its notebook of sensors.


  1. Fixed a problem where if a bird came from the back of a picture that had been turned off then the bird didn't behave correctly (it usually got stuck flying back).
  2. Fixed a problem for users named "temp" when saving cities.
  3. Fixed a problem where numbers were sometimes the wrong size.
  4. Sometimes sensors were being updated when on the back of a picture that had been turned off.
  5. When ToonTalk encounters a notebook saved in an older version of the file format, it updates it. It now stores the update so this is only done the first time.
  6. In some cases loading a robot whose thought bubble has sensors in it made those sensors active.
  7. Improved the appearance of a robot after his name was completely rubbed out (or a text pad was rubbed out and was in the "See Some" visibility mode).
  8. Fixed a problem if the "-puzzle" command line option is used and the name of the file is quoted (maybe because it contains spaces).


  1. Fixed a problem generating a description of some joystick sensors (e.g. when Marty describes them or they are put on the clipboard).


  1. A robot is given a serial number that is unique to that installation of ToonTalk. If two robots from different computers have the same serial number then if they were both part of the same Java applet it didn't work right.


  1. Sensors on the back of pictures with textual values when copied wasted a significant amount of time figuring what size they would like to be (but then are put in a box anyway).
  2. Found and fixed a performance bug in the way sensors whose value is 'yes' or 'no' work.
  3. Introduced the '-screen_width' command line switch so ToonTalk can now run in any full-screen mode whose ratio is 4 to 3. (Previously the maximum resolution was 1600x1200.)


  1. Fixed a performance bug when long-distance birds are given things and the network code isn't being used (e.g. "LongDistanceBirds=0" is placed in the Network section of toontalk.ini).
  2. Improved the handling of Dusty being run in reverse while he hasn't finished sucking up the last thing.
  3. Fixed a performance bug loading 8-bit graphics into ToonTalk when running with more than 8-bit graphics.


  1. Fixed a problem where flipping through the options notebook set some values back to their default state.
  2. Fixed a bug that occurred when you tried to rub out a sensor showing a textual value.
  3. Typing '-' and '+' switch the state of sensors with textual values to the previous or next value. Now rubout works the same as '-' to go back to the lesser value.
  4. Implemented new customization options DustyUsedOncePerClick and MillisecondsPumpyUsedPerClick.


  1. Fixed a problem shutting down ToonTalk if text-to-speech wasn't enabled.


  1. Improved the handling of text with a new line character without a return character.


  1. ToonTalk now uses newline internally (\n) rather than (\r).
  2. Improved the handling of multi-line text pads where some lines are empty.


  1. Improved the placement of labels on birds and nests.


  1. Fixed some bugs in the handling of fractional numbers pasted into ToonTalk.


  1. If you held a very tall or wide object (bigger than the screen) and dropped it then sometimes your hand was way off the screen.


  1. Improved the handling of sensors in notebooks.


  1. Fixed a bug in the handling of the remote control for whether sound effects are enabled or not.
  2. Changed the internal workings of notebooks. It should be faster to use and flip through them but they sometimes might take more time to load initially.


  1. Fixed a problem where visiting a city with mouse speed sensors on the floor caused a bug.
  2. Fixed a problem where the mouse speed sensors were acting as if they had a smaller value than they should.


  1. Fixed a problem where a robot trained to use the vacuum in reverse didn't work right if it was trained with the new DustyUsedOncePerClick feature enabled.
  2. Implemented the new SaveInXML option. Currently it works for saving to the clipboard or notebook but not for saving entire cities (to come soon).
  3. Beta 36 (and 2.54) released.


  1. Fixed a problem with puzzle 17 caused by the fact that ToonTalk no longer allows commas to occur in numbers coming from the clipboard or files.
  2. Fixed a problem processing command line options that have a '-' in them (e.g. within a file name).


  1. Fixed some bugs in dealing with remote controls for looks in the thought bubble of a robot.
  2. A robot can now be trained to drop a box on a robot that is already on the back of a picture.


  1. Fixed a bug where a robot successfully matches some sensors and then finds a mismatch in some subsequent constants and the robot then waited for the sensors to change (which obviously won't help). Such robots now fail.
  2. If something in a thought bubble is red due to a mismatch it now returns to normal when vacuumed.


  1. Fixed a problem that caused some sensors to display the wrong value while in the notebook. And the value didn't change as it should.
  2. Mismatches with something in a robot's thought bubble now glows red (so it isn't confused with a different data type).
  3. When a robot was trained to remove something from the back of a picture it remembers the type of the item and when run later removes something of the same type. This didn't work right if it was trained to find a number or text pad and there was a number or text pad that had ever been flipped over.


  1. Fixed a problem introduced on 8/9 in the handling of special characters (e.g. European characters with accents).


  1. Improved the wiggle feedback when holding a box over a box.
  2. Fixed a problem introduced on 9/5 that interfered with calling for the helicopter when outside by anything other than F1 (e.g. by pressing 'h' in the English version).
  3. Fixed a recently introduced problem where numbers on the wall in puzzles were displayed without the background number pad.
  4. If an error occurs while trying to display an HTML dialog, ToonTalk now reverts to the older dialogs.


  1. Introduced two new toontalk.ini options for controlling the HTML page that is generated when generating a Java applet. They are JavaSourceHTML and ToonTalkSourceHTML and are found in the Java section of toontalk.ini.
  2. If ToonTalkSourceHTML is used then the source for the ToonTalk object held is also saved in the Java directory so that the page can link to the object.
  3. Introduced the toontalk.ini option SpeakToolButtons so that when the button on a tool is changed you hear what the new mode is.


  1. The sound of tools no longer repeats if options are used to make them work once per click.
  2. Fixed problems using tools by holding down the right mouse button to keep them on when customized to work once per click.


  1. Fixed various recently introduced bugs saving things when the new XML format option is not in effect.


  1. The same user can now switch XML format for saving on and off without problem.


  1. If the right mouse button is enabled then it will now turn off tools as well as turn them on. Thanks to Gordon for suggesting this.


  1. Fixed a problem matching erased remote controls for the looks of a picture in a thought bubble. Thanks to Ylva for reporting an example of this.


  1. Fixed a recently introduced problem replaying demos that used the clipboard.
  2. Fixed a problem where sometimes a picture didn't move when its speed was set to non-zero. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  3. Fixed a recently introduced problem loading notebooks that contain joystick sensors.


  1. Fixed a bug that prevented F11 from undoing Bammer if a bird was in a thought bubble in the thing being bammed.
  2. Under unusual circumstances you could set off a bomb and get out of the house and it didn't explode but errors occurred when re-entering the house.
  3. Fixed a bug in blowing up decorated houses.
  4. Fixed various bugs using F11 to undo Bammer.
  5. If a nest was on the back of a picture without its bird and something was added to the picture then a spurious copy of the nest was made. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  6. For various reasons ToonTalk no longer attempts to undo Bammer if a robot did the dropping (either while being trained or while repeating its training).
  7. Previously you couldn't use F11 to undo Bammer of something that was running (e.g. robots were active on the back).
  8. Fixed a bug that sometimes occurred when saving large negative numbers in a notebook or the clipboard.
  9. Fixed a problem where sometimes clipped or off the side parts of a picture became visible when adding new things to the picture.


  1. Fixed a problem connecting long-distance birds to nests if saved in the new XML format.
  2. Fixed a problem saving a copy of a nest with long-distance birds where it lost its connection to birds.
  3. Plugged a memory leak related to using F11 to undo Bammer.
  4. You know here an appropriate sound when pressing F11 and ToonTalk can't undo the last action of Bammer.
  5. Fixed a problem saving robots that picked something up from a stack and returned it if saved in the new XML format.
  6. If ToonTalk cannot find the language-specific library (DLL) then it tries to use the US English version if available. This is particularly important for people with non-English versions of ToonTalk that try new beta versions.


  1. ToonTalk once again looks first at the old location for Java media files (images and sounds) before searching for them.
  2. Fixed some problems with the installer updating or creating toontalk.ini in the ToonTalk subdirectory of the My Documents folder.
  3. Released Beta 37 (and 2.55).


  1. Dumping of integers in XML format improved.
  2. Improved the geometry of things loaded in XML format.
  3. Fixed a problem picking things off the back of a remote looks of a picture.
  4. Fixed a problem saving boxes that due to things like remote looks "occur" in more than one place.


  1. Fixed a problem saving sensors that were displaying pictures in XML.
  2. Fixed a problem saving the label of a notebook in XML.
  3. Fixed a problem saving in XML the state of a robot that is running.
  4. Fixed the new SpeakToolButtons option to work if the spoken language is different from the displayed one. (But see entry for 10/15.)
  5. Fixed a problem where robots on the back of pictures ran while XML format was being loaded.
  6. Fixed a problem loading the number 0 when saved in XML.
  7. Fixed problems saving and loading in XML pictures that have been erased and given a new appearance.
  8. Changed the XML format so that things are inactive by default.


  1. Speed up the code that runs when quitting ToonTalk.
  2. Released 2.55c.


  1. Improved the code that supports running ToonTalk directly off a CD-ROM without installation.
  2. Fixed an aesthetic and performance bug that sometimes occurred when running ToonTalk with only 256 colors.


  1. Fixed a problem with the new XML format that caused notebooks to become inactive and gray. Thanks to Yishay for reporting this.
  2. Fixed a problem saving flipped remote controls for the looks of a picture using the new XML format.
  3. Simplified and speed up the code for generating XML for the back of a picture.
  4. Fixed a problem that sometimes occurred saving in XML a picture with robots running on the back.
  5. Fixed a problem where sometimes there was an inappropriate change in the dimensions of a flipped picture which contains remote controls for its looks on the back.
  6. Fixed a problem with the code for HTML dialogs that intermittently caused errors.
  7. Pumpy the Bike Pump no longer repeatedly makes a sound when used to change something to a good size while MillisecondsPumpyUsedPerClick was enabled.


  1. Fixed some problems handling non-built-in HTML dialog files.
  2. Changed the meaning of SpeakToolButtons so if enabled it speaks only when you cycle through the button's state by clicking on the button or pressing space, '+',  or '-' while pointing to a tool.
  3. Fixed a problem saving certain notebooks in XML format. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  4. Fixed a performance problem the first time Bammer smashes something that contains a nest. Thanks to Yishay for reporting this.
  5. The -next_dialog command line (and the -demo one) now accepted quoted files names that can contain spaces.
  6. Released 2.56.


  1. Fixed a problem where sometimes the geometry of pictures on pictures was wrong when saved in XML. (Often the geometry was too off that the parts were off the edge.)
  2. The HTML dialog options are now able to accept short file names and then default to where the manual pages are. E.g. ToonTalk\Doc\English. This makes it easier to have the same installation switch languages.
  3. The old demos are currently run by old versions of ToonTalk that use an old version of toontalk.ini. The old version is kept up-to-date now if changed via 'Set Options'.


  1. Fixed a bug saving a bird and a copy of her nest together. Note this fix is only if saved in XML.
  2. Fixed a problem saving copies of the same nest together in XML.
  3. Fixed a recently introduced bug where loading birds saved in XML left them inactive so they fly funny and don't quite return right.
  4. Fixed a problem where running subtitles without Marty speaking interfered with the code that keeps Marty moving out of your way.
  5. Fixed a problem where a picture saved in XML with a remote control on back when loaded changed its state to match the old state of the remote control.


  1. Fixed a problem copying something containing a bird and a copy of her nest (and not her original nest).
  2. Fixed a problem where sometimes when running with high resolution, the text in Marty's talk balloon became very small. Thanks to Jakob and Ylva for reporting this.
  3. Marty now appears and explains things if you (or a robot) tries to flip the "touches who" sensor. Thanks to Jakob and Ylva for providing an example needing this.
  4. Added GoodSizesAreAFixedPercentageOfScreen toontalk.ini option.


  1. Changed the implementation of notebooks so they now load much faster and consume much less memory. Page flipping the first time through a notebook may sometimes be a bit slower.
  2. Fixed a bug where sometimes a picture gets the size it had when it was flipped over.
  3. Fixed a problem where the size of a picture isn't right if a robot saved it in a box flipped over.
  4. Fixed a problem where a team of more than two robots sometimes got confused about who was in front.
  5. Released 2.57


  1. Fixed a very recently introduced problem where sensors weren't always connected right when taken from the notebook.
  2. Fixed a problem where a robot couldn't get things from Tooly if Tooly was in a vacuum.
  3. Fixed a problem introduced about a month ago that sometimes caused bombs to crash ToonTalk.
  4. Fixed a problem where bombs in the puzzle game crashed ToonTalk.


  1. Fixed a problem where a pictorial sensor in a box in a thought bubble went black when saved in a notebook. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  2. Fixed a problem making demos (and maybe saving cities) when the main notebook has been changed and XML format was enabled. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  3. Fixed two problems loading XML for an inactive pictorial remote control that was saved showing some value: that the sensor went black and was the wrong size.
  4. Released 2.58.


  1. ToonTalk now generates crash reports (very much like Windows XP does when an application crashes). Please send them to me!


  1. Fixed a problem introduced on the 10/23 where the remote control for the looks didn't work right when taken out of a notebook (but could be fixed by dropping it on the back of a picture).
  2. Fixed a problem with the size of text and number pads that had been flipped. Especially important when text pads were rubbed out completely and then new text typed - they were extremely narrow. Thanks to Ylva for reporting this.
  3. Fixed a recently introduced problem where when a robot removed sensors from a picture's sensor notebook the sensors weren't connected properly.
  4. Released 2.59.


  1. Made various improvements in the new crash dump reporting facility. Including the introduction of new ToonTalk.ini options: EmailToReportCrash, MessageAskingToReportCrash, TryToRecoverFromCrashes, and ShowCrashDirectoryAfterCrashes.
  2. Fixed a problem where if a sensor that shows a picture is in a thought bubble and fails to match then it continues to glow red to indicate it was the cause of a mismatch long after it is appropriate.
  3. Fixed a problem where if you grabbed a robot while he was using Dusty to spit things out then those things sometimes got stuck on the floor and behaved strangely. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  4. Fixed a recently introduced bug that caused cities saved with notebooks on the floor (other than the built-in notebooks) to cause problems when loaded back in. Thanks to Yishay and Gordon for reporting this.
  5. Released 2.60.


  1. Fixed a problem where if you grab a text pad from Tooly and quickly rub it out and then type, then the text pad became very tiny.
  2. If you added to your notebook while XML format saving was enabled and then turned off XML formatting and added to your notebook again then the notebook was corrupted and often restored as empty.
  3. Improved the way pictures from user files are saved and restored (in XML) so that they now only need to be loaded when first viewed not when ToonTalk starts up.
  4. Released 2.61.


  1. Removed the "feature" that renamed a robot after retraining.
  2. If ToonTalk doesn't recognize an XML element when something is loaded into ToonTalk it is retained so if that object is later saved the extra XML is part of the XML format. This means that many features from newer versions of ToonTalk aren't lost as something is loaded and then saved in an older version of ToonTalk.
  3. Began implementing saving cities in XML.


  1. Can now save Dusty, Pumpy, and Maggie in XML format.


  1. Improved the saving of notebooks in XML.
  2. Can now save Tooly in XML.


  1. Pictures are considered the same (for purposes such as returning them to the stack) if they only differ in geometry. This was extended so if they are considered equal if the only other difference is that they have position or size sensors on the back that are displaying different values. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this problem.
  2. Fixed a problem with the size of a picture when taken out of a box if it had been saved in XML format and then loaded.


  1. If a robot matches a blank picture against a picture with robots running on the back then it would only run once per frame even if no other sensors were involved.


  1. Fixed a problem with how ToonTalk's internal cache was only partially flushed sometimes when you left ToonTalk and then returned (e.g. clicking 'Come Back Later'); This can cause crashes sometimes soon after resuming ToonTalk.
  2. If you flipped a number over twice and dropped a number on its remote control for its looks and then picked up the number underneath before Bammer comes then sometimes the number is both in your hand and on the floor and chaos could follow.
  3. Improved the geometry of text and number pads that were flipped twice and then typed to.


  1. In the Puzzle Game if you brought back a box with one hole but the wrong contents then Marty gave you inappropriate advice about the order of things in the box being wrong. Thanks to Lennart for reporting this.


  1. If you put something on the clipboard and then generated a demo that pasted it into ToonTalk, it sometimes did not replay correctly.
  2. Log files are no longer limited to recording pasting of things less than 64K bytes.
  3. If a robot tries to pick up something that is missing sometimes ToonTalk crashed. You now get a nice warning from Marty. Thanks to Augusto for reporting this.


  1. Fixed a recently introduce problem where if you sat while Marty was displaying a talk balloon the balloon can get very large. Thanks to Ylva for reporting this.


  1. Major overhaul in the internal workings of how built-in objects animate and how robots when animating know when to do the next operation. Needed for saving cities in XML.


  1. Sometimes if a bird is heading back to where he started and that is on the back of a picture that has been destroyed ToonTalk crashed. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.


  1. Copies of built-in notebooks were saved in wasteful manner. No longer.


  1. Fixed a problem that was sometimes caused by blowing up a house with decoration on the front.


  1. Fixed a problem introduced with version 2.61 where user sounds sounded like static.


  1. If a robot was trained to take a picture off the back of another picture then it might take off a text or number pad that had been flipped twice instead.


  1. Made small improvements to the internal workings of sound effects.


  1. Fixed a mysterious bug that caused crashes on a small fraction of test machines. Was triggered by displaying an image that was clipped (partially off screen). Thanks to Jakob for reporting this.
  2. Released 2.62


  1. Fixed a recently introduce bug where some animations looked bad - e.g. Dusty sucking something up. Thanks to Jakob for reporting this.
  2. The XML of saved ToonTalk objects has extra descriptive information only when they are saved to the clipboard. Those saved in cities or notebooks are more compact.


  1. Fixed a problem generating Java applets when different robots did exactly the same thing. Thanks to Ylva for reporting this.
  2. Fixed a recently introduced problem when a robot drops a box on the floor.
  3. When you train a robot to use keyboard shortcuts for tools like Dusty or the Magic Wand, then they are converted to equivalent keystrokes that are language neutral. This did not work right when a keyboard shortcut was used to leave the tool's state unchanged but to turn it on. (E.g. typing 's' when S is already showing.) Such robots may not work when imported to a different language version of ToonTalk. Fixed now but old robots may still have this shortcoming.
  4. Released 2.63


  1. Fixed a recently introduced bug where a robot got stuck sometimes giving things to birds. Thanks to Yishay for reporting this.
  2. Fixed a problem saving a city in XML with an empty notebook on the floor. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  3. Due to the difficulty of picking up entire flipped picture if there is 1, 4, 9, etc. objects on the back when the number of items is the square of an integer the spacing between items is doubled. Thanks to Ylva for pointing out this problem.
  4. Fixed a problem with saving boxes in thought bubbles in XML format. Thanks to Gordon and Yishay for reporting this.


  1. Fixed a problem where if a robot removed things from a nest then sometimes "ghosts" of those items appeared. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  2. If you dropped something on a bird and then quickly dropped something else then only one thing is delivered and the other is stuck to the bird. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  3. Fixed a problem loading cities with built-in pictures on the floor. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  4. Fixed a problem generating demos when SaveInXML is on.
  5. Fixed a problem introduced on 10/29 where ToonTalk crashes if you are in the house when a robot sets off a bomb. Thanks to Augusto for reporting this.
  6. Fixed a problem where ToonTalk sometimes crashed when you picked up a robot that was part of a team.
  7. Fixed a problem converting number pads to text pads when the robot isn't being watched. Thanks to Yishay for reporting this.
  8. Fixed a problem double clicking on a ToonTalk file (e.g. CTY or TT) that had a dash '-'in its name. Thanks to Lennart for reporting this.
  9. Added a new entry to the Switch section of toontalk.ini - OKToCreateVeryLargeCrashReports. If set to 1 then crash dumps can become very large and take a while to create. Recommended only for serious ToonTalk users particularly if a bug is interfering with your work.
  10. Released 2.64


  1. Fixed a problem introduced last month where sometimes a robot waits forever after giving a bird something to deliver. Thanks to Yishay for reporting this.
  2. Sometimes when a robot is done he vacuums up something that isn't there (no harm done but you see him take out a copy of Dusty and hear him turn it on when there is nothing to suck up).


  1. Fixed a problem introduced last month where ToonTalk sometimes crashes after setting off a bomb.
  2. Fixed a problem introduced last month where sometimes after a robot finishes, another robot in the team doesn't go ahead and begin working.
  3. Made many improvements to how birds and nests are saved in XML format in a city. (Though not finished yet.)
  4. Released 2.65


  1. Fixed a problem introduced on 10/18 where sometimes ToonTalk crashes if nests with long-distance birds are loaded.
  2. Fixed recently introduced problems saving a city in XML format while a bird is flying.
  3. Fixed some problems dropping a number operation that had been flipped and flipped back on top of another number.
  4. Fixed a problem caused by number operations dropped on operations. Thanks to Yishay for reporting this.
  5. Fixed a problem where a picture dropped on another picture becomes "SEE SOME" instantly.
  6. Fixed a problem where pasting the same thing containing nests that was stored in XML more than one time caused the nests to become linked. Thanks to Yishay for reporting this.


  1. A long-distance bird in a thought bubble no longer saves in XML as long-distance but as an ordinary bird instead.
  2. If a foreign bird was given a box with nests where there should be birds, ToonTalk sometimes crashed. Now Marty gives you a nice explanation. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  3. ToonTalk running in full-screen mode crashed if you typed control-alt-delete. Thanks to Yishay for reporting this.
  4. If you drop a text pad on a picture then it becomes "SEE SOME". If you then press F11 to "unbam" them the text pad remained "SEE SOME". No longer.
  5. Sometimes if you took a number with lots of digits out of a box it expanded to a good size and then abruptly shrank to a narrow size. Fixed now.
  6. Fixed a problem using fractions on remote controls where the remote control briefly got an incorrect value.
  7. Fixed a problem with remote controls displaying negative numbers when a non-integer was added. Round-off error made the result 1 or 2 units too small.
  8. If a picture with parts was placed in a very small object (e.g. a small box or notebook) then when saved and restored the geometry was only roughly restored. The round-off error was apparent. Such pictures saved in 2.66 and later using the XML format will restore accurately. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.


  1. Fixed various bugs with robots using foreign birds when not seen (in another house or on the back of a picture). Thanks to Augusto for reporting this.
  2. Fixed problems saving cities while birds were flying from the floor (rather than from a box).
  3. Improved the way ToonTalk restores things after F11 is pressed after Bammer bams.
  4. Fixed several problems with remote controls for the address when the avenue or street sensor was inactive and saved and restored. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  5. Fixed a minor memory leak that occurred when you changed the value of a street or avenue sensor.
  6. Fixed a recently introduced problem creating demos while running with SaveInXML on.
  7. Released 2.66


  1. Fixed a bug loading cities with birds and nests saved in XML.
  2. Fixed problems saving a city while a bird has temporarily removed things from her nest. XML format only.
  3. Fixed some problems saving a city with the power off while robots were running. XML format only.
  4. Fixed a problem generating demos that start in a saved city while XML format is enabled.
  5. Made many improvements to how boxes are saved if they are being used (e.g. something is dropping into a hole) while a city is saved (in XML format).
  6. Fixed a problem unbamming (via F11) the drop of something on the remote control for the looks of something else.
  7. A number on the floor that has robots on the back that are changing the number of digits would drift to the side of the screen. No longer. Similar problem with text pads fixed as well.
  8. Fixed a problem where numbers inside of boxes that have robots on the back changing their value would sometimes stop updating their display. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  9. If you held something over a flipped picture with items on the back then the feedback as to whether some item on the back wiggles (e.g. dropping a box on a robot) or the whole picture wiggles was inaccurate.
  10. Fixed a problem dropping a box on a robot on remote control for the looks of the back of a picture where it wasn't attached to the robot. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  11. If some copies of the same remote control were active and others inactive and one the inactive ones had its values changed (e.g. by typing to it) then the other copies of the remote control changed. This caused some crashes using remote controls for the address. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  12. Fixed a problem where dropping things into trucks was abrupt (animation wasn't displayed).


  1. If you save a city in XML after Bammer has smashed something it is now possible in the restored city to press F11 to unbam things.
  2. Fixed a problem where abrupt actions happened on the first cycle after loading a city saved in XML. They now continue as if they had never been saved and restored.
  3. Fixed a problem where some sensors that display pictures when placed in a box were somewhat too small. They now fill the box hole as much as possible.
  4. If you make your hand invisible and then stand up you now become visible. Thanks to Gordon for initiating a discussion of this on toontalk@yahoogroups.com.
  5. Simplified the internal state of robots so they are somewhat smaller and use a little less memory.
  6. Made many changes so that saving cities in XML while robots are running works better.
  7. Fixed a bug introduced on 7/16 where if you took something from a notebook, vacuumed it up, and then took a fresh copy from the notebook that sometimes ToonTalk thought the new copy was also inside the vacuum. Robots in particular stopped. Thanks to Leonel for reporting this.


  1. Improved the way Marty described a robot that stopped working due to some abnormal condition.
  2. Restored the ability to get Marty to describe why a robot stopped long after it has stopped. (E.g. when you walk into a house with a robot that stopped, you can press F1 while pointing to the robot.)


  1. If a robot was trained to drop a nest with an egg in it on the ground and then pick up the nest or bird, then when running he would pick up the object before the hatching animation displayed.
  2. The position sensors for pictures once again display integers. Also if you drop something on them that forces them to become non-integers (like 1/2) then they will remain non-integers until moved or subsequent operations make them integers again. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  3. Remote controls that display other values when erased displayed like an erased picture. Now they display appropriately (e.g. the parts sensor displays as an erased box).  Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  4. Improved the way built-in notebooks save in XML.
  5. Fixed a problem that caused a crash when loading a city saved in XML when the main notebook had been extended when generating a demo file.
  6. Sometimes the "Picture Number" sensor for synthetic pictures (e.g. lines, circles, and the like at the end of the Pictures notebook), displayed values above 255.
  7. Fixed problems with rounding off the position sensors of a picture - especially serious when adding a number less than one to a negative sensor.


  1. Fixed various problems restoring a city saved while a robot was working on the floor. XML format only.
  2. Fixed a problem that occurred when you dropped a picture with robots on the back that destroyed the picture on another picture. Thanks to Leonel for providing an example of this.
  3. If you have an invisible picture with visible pictures on top, then if you tried to use the Magic Wand or Dusty on it, it would disappear until you moved the tools away.
  4. Fixed a performance bug when invisible pictures are on the floor.


  1. If a puzzle involving long-distance birds was solved, then when the same user name later ran Free Play, ToonTalk would try to establish net connections for the long-distance bird of the puzzle. Thanks to Lennart for providing an example of this.
  2. If a puzzle included Tooly, Dusty, Pumpy, or Maggie was solved, then when the same user is later running Free Play those tools may be missing or altered. Thanks to Lennart for providing an example of this.
  3. When the root of integer was between 1 and 2 then it was rounded down to 1. So, for example, the square root of 2 (and 3) was 1, and the cube root of 7 was too. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this. The fix for this involved using a more up-to-date version of the GMP library which should be faster and have other bug fixes.
  4. Crash report email now includes the ToonTalk version number.
  5. Released to 2.67


  1. ToonTalk no longer crashes if a picture is destroyed (e.g. a robot on the back sets off a bomb) after it is dropped on another picture but before it is smashed by Bammer. Also fixed a similar bug if the picture underneath self-destructs. Thanks to Leonel for providing an example of this.
  2. Improved the way numbers are saved in XML format.
  3. If you vacuumed a picture from the remote looks of another picture while the original picture was flipped over ToonTalk crashed. Thanks to Leonel for reporting this.
  4. Fixed a problem where MaximumItemsInDusty was ignored if set to 1. Thanks to Gordon for reporting this.
  5. Improved the way cities are saved while trucks are driving outside. XML format only.


  1. Improved the way cities are saved if a bird is in flight. XML format only.
  2. Improved the way remote controls, text pads, and notebooks are saved in XML.
  3. Improved the way text pads are smashed together.


  1. Improved the way cities where robots are actively working are saved in XML.


  1. Improved the way cities are saved when a bird and her nest are saved or when a picture and its sensor are saved together. XML format only.


  1. Improved the ways cities are saved in XML if things were left on the ground outside.
  2. Made other miscellaneous improvements in saving cities in XML.


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