Concurrency and ToonTalk

Before I attempt to explain concurrent computation in ToonTalk and why it is difficult to extend sequential languages to be concurrent, I'll explain the relationship between concurrency, parallelism, and distributed computing. Parallel processes are processes that are running within the same computer system. The system typically has more than one processor. Distributed processes are processes that typically run on different computer systems connected via a network. The distinction between parallel and distributed is important because distributed computing is typically across trust or organizational boundaries. Hence only distributed computing need be concerned with security, hardware failure recovery, and the like. In discussions where the distinction is not important, I refer to concurrent processes, i.e. processes that might be either parallel or distributed.

ToonTalk is a thoroughly concurrent programming language. That is because all sub-computations are expressed as new, independent processes. If a robot needs to have some other robots perform some sub-computation, he must be trained to load up a truck with those other robots. The new house built by the crew in the truck is a new process. Unlike conventional languages (C, Java, Logo, Lisp, Fortran, Cobol, Perl, Basic, etc.), there is no way to express a subroutine call in ToonTalk. A call to a procedure transfers control to the procedure so that the program after the procedure call has to wait until the procedure finishes. When the procedure is done it returns (sometimes by returning a value). The calling program can then resume where it was when the procedure was called. One can get the equivalent behavior in ToonTalk by training a robot to load up a truck with robots and a box with a bird in it. The robot should put the nest of the bird in his box and do nothing more. That robot or other members of his team should be programmed to look for something in the nest. Consequently this process will suspend until the robots that were placed in the truck give the bird something. The robots waiting on the nest will see what was delivered and resume computation. In other words, a subroutine or procedure call in ToonTalk is just a very special pattern of use of trucks, birds, and robots. ToonTalk only provides the programmer with the more general ability to express the spawning of new processes.

The lack of subroutines in ToonTalk makes it much more feasible to have much larger number of processes than conventional programming languages. The reason for this is that everyone implements subroutine calls using a data structure called a stack. Stacks are a very effective way of implementing procedural calls, including recursive calls. The problem is that each process (even if suspended) needs its own stack. This makes processes somewhat costly. A process in ToonTalk only needs 2 pointers: to the program (the team of robots) and to the data (a box). There is no stack; there is nothing else. I've tested ToonTalk with tens of thousands of houses (i.e. processes). In contrast, when I used Java, it stopped working when I had just a few hundred processes.

Conventional languages have shared state. The same variables, data structures, and objects can be accessed from different processes (processes that share data are often called threads). Sharing state is necessary in these languages in order for threads to work together. This sharing between concurrent independent processes is very dangerous, however. It leads to race conditions. Consider a variable, A, that is supposed to represent the current balance of a savings account. (A might be a global variable or it might be an instance variable of an object - both kinds of variables have this problem.) A subroutine has been written to withdraw X from A after checking if X is less than or equal to A. It withdraws by assigning A to A-X. In other words the subroutine allows a withdrawal only if there are sufficient funds in the account. Now let us introduce concurrency. Suppose there is an account with 10 dollars in it and one process would like to withdraw 9 dollars and another process wants to withdraw 8 dollars. With bad luck both withdrawals can occur. And even worse the balance might be 1 dollar, 2 dollars, or -7 dollars after processing the two withdrawals. How? Consider this scenario:

Process 1 checks that A is less than X and computes A-X to be 1 but before assigning A to 1, Process 2 runs and sees that A is still 10 so it processes the entire withdrawal and sets A to 2. Process 1 resumes where it left off and sets A to 1.

So how do conventional languages deal with race conditions? They introduce new programming constructs: locks or critical regions. For example, the withdrawal procedure could obtain a lock on A so that no other process can access it. It can then safely compare it to X, compute A-X, and set A to the result. It must then release the lock on A or else no one else can ever access A. Not only does this add complexity to the task of making programs, but it can lead to new problems: namely, deadlock. Suppose Process 1 locks A and then needs to find the value of B that is locked by Process 2. So Process 1 suspends and waits for Process 2 to unlock B. But what if Process 2 then needs to access the value of A? A is locked, so Process 2 also suspends. This is sometimes called a deadly embrace. You might think it would be easy to program in such a way to avoid this kind of mutual dependency. But the cycle of dependency might involve hundreds of processes.

So why doesn't ToonTalk suffer from these problems? The reason is that ToonTalk has no shared state. A box can only exist in one place. And robots in the same house take turns - they never work on the same box at the same time. The lack of shared state is how ToonTalk avoids race or deadlock problems. But doesn't this limit the expressivity of the language? It would, if it wasn't for birds. The fact that copies of the same bird fly to the same nest provides a way for many-to-one communication that can be used instead of shared state. As an example, consider the ToonTalk bank account demo. Multiple processes can withdraw money from the same account. Each process has a copy of a bird whose nest is in the box that is representing the bank account. Robots in different houses can give the birds to this account withdrawal requests by giving the birds boxes containing the amount of money that to be withdrawn. We don't know which box will end up on top of the nest - but all them will be stacked up on the nest. (In other words, the requests are queued up on the nest.) The robots working on the box for the account will see a box appear on the nest for a withdrawal request. They will process the request before starting on the next request. There is no problem, even if the computation of the new balance requires a new sub-computation. The robot will load up the truck with robots and a box to compute the new balance. And then it will place the nest that will receive the answer in the location where the current balance is kept. The next request won't be processed until the sub-computation gives the bird the new balance and the appropriate nest is covered.

In summary, attempts to add concurrency to languages with subroutines and shared state lead to complexity, costly implementations of processes, and bugs that are very hard to track down. ToonTalk, in contrast, was designed from scratch to be concurrent. In ToonTalk there is no need to introduce locks or critical regions, processes cost very little, and race conditions and deadlocks are avoided.

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