ToonTalk can temporarily freeze when working with very large numbers

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ToonTalk can work with numbers of any size (that fits in the computer). As numbers get very long you might notice ToonTalk freezes for a while when the number changes, is copied, or when you sit down in a room with large numbers on the floor. Numbers with less than a thousand digits should not cause this problem. Nor should you see freezing when robots are working with numbers with a million digits if they are in another house or on the back of picture. However the first time you look at a number that is a million digits long you may have to wait many hours as ToonTalk converts the number for viewing.

If you really want to work with numbers that have thousands or millions of digits, then you can avoid these long pauses by seeing the numbers in base 2 (binary), base 4, base 8 (octal), base 16 (hexadecimal) or base 32. Click here to learn how to change the base of numbers.

These problems can also occur when dealing with exact fractions since they are internally represented as two potentially large numbers: one for the numerator and the other for the denominator.

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